How Much Should I Pay An Editor?

I’m glad so many people write for the love of storytelling and language. Editors are essential to make a book publishable and worth reading, but they can’t guarantee you sales or a profit.

The truth –and I’m not sure it’s a “sad truth”–is that most writers will not ultimately make money on their books.

So when you pay an editor, you are investing in yourself and the glorious enterprise of literature. You can think of your books as an entrepreneurial venture, with high odds to overcome, and see editing as part of the cost.

But it may not make sense to weigh the cost against a possible sale or profit some day. You will learn a great deal simply by seeing how another trained intelligent reader responds to your words.

I’d compare the cost to the price of paying for a therapist, a decorator, a tutor, a personal trainer, or anyone else who makes your life better.

Think about what you want. Do you want a directional edit–someone to look over the whole book at a high level and work with you on structure, pacing, plot, character (or authority and thoroughness for a non-fiction work)? Do you want a line-edit: an editor who will help you sentence by sentence, looking for readability, awkward phrasing, and consistency? A copy-editor to polish your manuscript before sending it to agents or self-publishing? Each of these types of edits will have a very different price attached.

The standard page is 250 words. Depending on what you’re looking for and how much work you need done, an editor could charge anywhere from $2 to $10 a page.

Remember that your friends and family can give you their reactions, which may be invaluable, but they already know you and will read the sound of your spoken voice and personality into the words on the page. Sometimes they’ll be too “nice” and hold back on negative feedback, or they’ll have their own ideas about what you should do and be too pushy. A professional editor is more objective. She will tell you frankly and clearly what she thinks but won’t overwhelm you. If she’s editing your sentences, she understands that you may accept some changes and not others. The process will bring you the sense that you’ve given your work your best shot, and have been heard and respected.

Also remember that everyone, including brilliant scholars, top journalists, literature professors and novelists with many books behind them, need an editor. If you’re a good writer, you need a better editor. The best writers need the best editors. I will do my best to live up to your work!

My Favorite Book About Being A Writer

There are many books about writing. They inspire with the example of their eloquence as well as their advice.

A book (or a blog like this one) about writing can be your secret friend.

My favorite book of this kind is called Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking. Neither of the authors, David Bayles and Ted Orland, are primarily writers, although the book is beautifully written.

And their observations about making “art” struck me as completely apt to writing.

At the time I found it, I was not a beginning writer. I had been slogging away for more than a decade, and my chest relaxed a little at the opening quote, from Hippocrates: “Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult.”

Then the book begins: “Making art is difficult.”

Unlike so many others, this book acknowledged my difficulties and didn’t seem overly optimistic. It wasn’t written to sell books.

Many years later, the truths in this book still seem true to me.

Much of your work will seem a mistake.

“To all viewers but yourself, what matters is the product: the finished artwork. To you, and you alone, what matters is the process: the experience of shaping that artwork.”

“The function of the overwhelming majority of your artwork is simply to teach you how to make the small fraction of your artwork that soars. One of the basic and difficult lessons every artist must learn is that even the failed pieces are essential.”

The big danger is quitting.

“Those who continue to make art are those who have learned how to continue–or more precisely, have learned how to not quit.”

“Artists quit when they convince themselves that their next effort is already doomed to fail. And artists quit when the lose the destination for their work–for the place their work belongs.”

“Quitting means not starting again–and art is all about starting again.”

The best way not to quit is to find comrades and develop and stick to useful habits.

Share your work in progress with other writers or with a writing coach or editor. If you write best in the mornings, stick to the routine. Wear the same pair of slippers that seemed to make you write so well the other night.

“The hardest part of artmaking is living your life in such a way that your work gets done, over and over–and that means finding a host of practices that are just plain useful.”

Keep revising.

“Tolstoy, in the Age Before Typewriters, re-wrote War & Peace eight times and was still revising galley proofs as it finally rolled onto the press….Lincoln doubted his capacity to express what needed to be said at Gettysburg, yet pushed ahead…”

“The piece of art which seems so profoundly right in its finished state may earlier have been only inches or seconds away from total collapse.”

Review your own work.

“Your work is your guide: a complete, comprehensive, limitless reference book on your work. There is no other such book and it is yours alone.”

“Ask your work what it needs, not what you need. Then set aside your fears and listen, the way a good parent listens to a child.”

“Look at your work and it tells you how it is when you hold back or when you embrace. When you are lazy, your art is lazy; when you hold back, it holds back; when you heistate, it stands there staring, hands in its pockets. But when you commit, it comes on like blazes.”

Stay true to yourself.

“You make your place in the world by making part of it–by contributing some new part to the set….Each new piece of your art enlarges our reality. The world is not yet done.”

Be brave.

Brave is not the same as fearless. You will be afraid if you are taking risks.

“Sometimes to see your work’s rightful place you have to walk to the edge of the precipice and search the deep chasms. You have to see that the universe is not formless and dark throughout, but awaits simply the revealing light of your own mind.”

Do I Need An Editor?

Hiring an editor is no substitute for doing your own editing.

But once you revise, you may want to call on the services of a professional who has mastered the skill of editing, which is not the same as writing. A good editor will bring out your ideas in your own voice.

Many of the greatest works of literature exist in their current form only because of an editor. The Great Gatsby is a famous example. F. Scott Fitzgerald decided that he would write it more carefully than he had written his previous books, This Side of Paradise and The Beautiful and Damned, which were both commercial successes. He ended up discarding most of his early drafts. When he did send a manuscript to his editor, Maxwell Perkins, Perkins told him that the novel was vague, and Fitzgerald spent the next winter revising it.

Editing is no guarantee of commercial success. The Great Gatsby sold many fewer copies than Fitzgerald’s earlier books after it appeared in 1925. Two decades later, during World War II, the Army gave away copies of the novel to US soldiers, and Gatsby began to take its place as one of the greatest American books.

Scott Fitzgerald had huge talent. But he knew that to produce lasting work, he needed to revise more and to heed his editor, Maxwell Perkins.

A copy-editor will polish your prose, correcting punctuation and stylistic or grammatical errors. Maxwell Perkins gave Fitzgerald a critique. A critique includes useful comments on how your manuscript could strike different readers. It may offer suggestions on how you might make it more effective. If you are writing a speech or article, you want to be clear, eloquent,  focused and persuasive. In a novel, you need characters and a plot that will hold the reader’s attention from beginning to end.


Act Like You Deserve a MacArthur

One of my boyfriends used to joke that he wouldn’t feel like a success until he got a call from the MacArthur Foundation announcing that he’d received a “genuis grant,” currently $625,000 awarded each year by the foundation to creative people in many fields.

This year, for the first time, the foundation is revealing data on the origin and mobility of its genuises, who must be U.S. citizens or live in the United States to be eligible. It turns out that they are more mobile than other Americans. They like to cluster.

You don’t need to be a hermit to be creative. Many breakthroughs come through collaborations–often in duos–or arise in innovative groups like the Impressionists. Creative people typically say they need lots of time to work and stimulating environments. They need cool friends and parties.

In the 18th century, notable people born all over Europe tended to congregate in Rome, Paris, or Dresden. Today, the “genuises” are most likely to move to live in New York or California, where they can mingle with other scientists or artists. But sometimes a lower cost of living combined with an attractive community can bring them to settle in less populated areas–notably, enclaves in New Mexico, Alaska, and Vermont.

Nearly a quarter of MacArthur recipients were born outside the United States. You may not need to move–but travel and stay a while. Social psychologists Adam Galinsky and William Maddux have found that time spent living abroad increases creativity.

When he was struggling to come up with the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk retreated to a monastery in Umbria, Italy and he often said afterwards that the change helped him make his grand discovery. There is some evidence that you needn’t get thee to a monastery; changing environments in itself can help people build new habits and get rid of old ones.

What makes you do your most creative work?

Do You Write To Be Read?

We’ve all wondered how Emily Dickinson could write her poetry in near-complete solitude.

It’s less commonly known that even Emily sought an important reader, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and once wrote him that he was “The Friend that saved my Life.”

The two only met twice, and Higginson is said to have told others that he never met anyone “who drained my nerve power so much.”

Yet they maintained a correspondence for 25 years until her death in 1886. She sent him almost a hundred poems, with their strange punctuation and power to penetrate the heart.

Higginson was famous as a man who hated capital punishment, child labor, laws depriving women of civil rights, and slavery. Emily was a radical in her heart and mind. Higginson was radical in his speeches and published writing and even took a little action. (For more on their fascinating story, read White Heat: The Friendship of Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson, by Brenda Wineapple.)

So yes, even Emily Dickinson sought one person who could understand her.

For years I resisted blogging. I had been trained to think that one should allow the public to see only highly polished work. The idea back then was that you spent years, decades, honing your craft with a small circle of confidantes before you expected public attention. After all, no one expected audiences (other than friends and family) in their apprenticeship years as a violinist, ballerina, tennis player, or singer. Those are physical skills, which makes a difference. But writing depends on insight and insight comes with the years. It is also a technical skill.

For almost a decade, I rarely sought to publish, though I did give my work to loyal, responsive and insightful friends. I was also enormously lucky to have a mother who wrote and supported my ambitions. And I hired teachers, a short story writer and a poet, to read my work and meet with me one-on-one. When I did begin to send out my work, I had some success.

I am now a blogger, and like all bloggers, I’m excited to see my stats. Sometimes I get large numbers of “views”—unheard of numbers of potential readers judged by our pre-Internet standards.

But the real joy is in the one-on-one connections that can be made. If you hire me as your writing coach or editor, I will carefully copy-edit, line-edit, critique, or brainstorm with you. I hope to give you all the benefit of the compassion, insight and expertise others have shared with me. Meanwhile, I hope you will seek your artist family in literature, in writing groups, book groups and online.

That one-on-one connection can be with yourself. In my own life, the appreciation that has most surprised me has been my own–many years later. I read my stories and poems from years ago and feel comforted by the wisdom of that child. She knew me.

And that’s when I understand how Emily was able to go so long in near-solitude.

Writing is a form of love. Self-love and love of others, and as we see in other relationships, the two intermingle. We love ourselves through our love of others. We love others through our love of ourselves.

So yes, we write to be read. You too are one of those essential readers, a Friend who can save your Life.

How Can I Find A Book Agent?

The best advice I’ve ever seen on finding a book agent is perfect common sense, once you hear it.

First, imagine the bookshelf of your ideal reader. What do you see there? What’s your reader reading now (because your book isn’t yet published, of course)?

If you don’t know, browse Amazon or Barnes & or —while we still can–go to the book store.

The books your reader likes are probably books that you like–but it’s important to think about your reader, too.

You might want to think about authors, or topics, or the writing style or purpose of your book.

Once you’ve found a book that your reader would buy, look at the acknowledgements page. Many authors thank their agents by name. They may not always say “my agent, Gloria Sanctus Deo.” Sometimes they just say, “Gloria.” But if you read through the directories of agents obsessively enough you’ll start recognizing the names.

To find a particular author’s agent, you can also try googling and checking lists like this one.

When you write those agents, immediately congratulate them on their good taste and well-deserved good fortune in representing the author of the book your reader likes. Then say that you think your book will reach the same audience and explain, succinctly, why.

You don’t need to say why your book is better. Remember, this agent represents the other author, who isn’t your rival. Authors of books you like are your friends in sensibility. They lead you to your readers.

If you are taking classes with published authors or know any personally, you can also ask them to recommend you to their agents. Personal connections help in the literary world, as they do elsewhere. But in the end, the agent will have to fall in love with your book. You need to find someone who has already fallen in love with a book that reminds you of yours.

As your editor, I will be thinking about the bookshelf (or nowadays Kindle or Nook library) where your book belongs and help to make it the prettiest girl in your class.

Maybe there is no book like yours ever written. In that case, we will look for the agent that has represented other books that are unlike any book ever written. You get the idea.

Find the Sweet Spot of Blissful Challenge

The flow state of utter absorption comes from a balance of goal-seeking and ease.

For me, it happens when I’m doing yoga, dancing or writing. I feel vibrantly alive and content, satisfied that I’m being my best self.

I’m in the “flow,” a term coined more than 20 years ago by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Athletes use the phrase being in “the zone.”

A flow state is special, moments that come to most of us only once in a while. But you can have them more often by stretching yourself and mastering skills that use your personal strengths.

If you’re a writer, one reason to stay on a schedule is that it tends to help you get into “flow.” When I am writing a novel, I look forward to my next time at my work. I associate writing with a particular kind of relaxing, though I might write for hours at a stretch at the end of a long work-day in an office. Yes, it was that good! Sometimes. Often.

I’ve gotten into flow states while editing, rather than writing a first draft–in fact, it may happen more often because the goal of a polished paragraph or finding the perfect word seems within reach. I’ve even felt flow while copy-editing!

My friend Yvonne remembers feeling flow while practicing gymnastics at 12 years old. “I was by far the pudgiest girl on the gymnastics team and the least naturally talented, but I took classes and practiced every day,” she recalls. Her stepfather even made a gymnastics mat out of old scraps of foam so she could train at home. “I worked out on the homemade mat for hours upon hours until it was dark, not finishing until I got that side aerial and the back semi nailed,” says Yvonne. “Having a goal that stretches you, but is also doable—that is exhilarating. Nothing mattered except me and the acrobatics I was dead-set on doing.”

We emerge from flow happier, and with a stronger sense of identity. When Yvonne needs strength today, she recalls the determination she had at age 12 on that homemade gymnastics mat.

Flow isn’t only found in physical activities and favorite pastimes. Some people are lucky enough to get into the zone at work, making them more likely to both perform well and feel satisfied. My friend Rebecca loves teaching 3rd and 4th graders, especially when she tries new lesson plans that capture her—and her kids’—attention. When Rebecca is “in flow,” she says, the kids respond with more energy and enthusiasm. “At the end of the school day, I’m exhilarated,” she says.

A class of vibrant kids is a clear example of the feedback that aids flow. Think of it like feeding off of each other’s energy. Sometimes, however, the feedback is more subtle. My friend Steve, a composer, says that his feedback comes from the notations he’s making. He sees how his notes “turn into music,” on a day when things are flowing well.

“Most of us don’t have luxury of finding jobs and activities that exactly match our strengths,” says University of Michigan psychologist Christopher Peterson, Ph.D. The answer, he says, is to look for ways to bring your strengths—traits such as kindness or creativity—into your day.

Another strategy: If you’ve got a list of dull tasks to do, get creative by making up challenges for yourself that can help you get in the zone. For example, if you’re a blogger, limit the number of words in a post and see how creative you can get or dive into an engrossing topic you’ve never written about before. If you’re a chef—whether at a restaurant or for a hungry family—set out to create a dish without any butter or oil or with vegetables you’ve never tried before.

Gordon Lawrence, author of “Finding the Zone: A Whole New Way to Maximize Mental Potential,” traces flow states to the natural curiosity of babies, who become completely absorbed and delighted when exploring. Adults, like babies, are stimulated by novelty, but you’re most likely to experience flow as an adult when engaged in a skill in which you already have some mastery.

You are most likely to feel “in the flow” when you pursue clear goals that are challenging but within reach. You’ve found the sweet spot between boredom and frustration. As you go about the activity, you enter a feedback loop that gives you the information you need to get closer to your goal. You lose track of time and awareness of your own body and may even forget to eat or stay up into the wee hours of the night.

If you find that you’re not enjoying your writing time, try breaking down the job into smaller tasks. Make an outline and check off each section when you’re done. Resolve to write a particular passage of dialogue–and no more–by the end of the week. The key to experiencing flow is to choose a goal that’s both meaningful to you—and within reach. For you, that may be writing your book.

Hearing Feedback Is An Essential Skill

Because our culture emphasizes individuality and self-reliance so highly, we sometimes regard “advice” as an implication that the recipient is failing is some way. The assumption is that we’d all ideally do things without help.

The truth is that there are helpers behind every individual achievement and our culture thrives on collaboration and contact.

We tend to think of art especially as the product of one personality. But in the history of visual art, you’ll read about studios where great artists trained other people to work in their style and collectives of artists who spurred each other on, creating schools like the Impressionists. Folk music didn’t always come with names of singer-songwriters attached. Jazz is famously improvisational

When it comes to writing, as well, feedback can be essential. In my previous post, I give the example of The Great Gatsby, which F. Scott Fitzgerald edited dramatically after getting advice from his editor.

When it works, feedback is a grand gift. A person gives you the benefit of her life experience and personality, applying it directly to your task.

Good feedback will offer you solutions, or prompt you to see a problem, or see it differently so you can find your own.

Can you recall a time when you gave feedback and it was received gratefully? Were you relieved because you were afraid you hadn’t said things carefully enough?

We all know that sometimes people aren’t precise or articulate or tactful–but they may still be telling us what we need to hear. Or that feedback can come at the wrong time. The most successful people learn to hear it and store it up in a way that they can use when needed. Maybe advice-givers remind you of a pushy parent, sibling, or spouse who didn’t respect you. You’re losing too much if you let that history deprive you of the advantage of other people’s insights.

So go ahead and invest in yourself and seek the editing, copy-editing, critique, or second reading that could move you forward.

Writing is one area of life where you’ll be pushed up close to your capacity to seek and accept feedback. You’ll need to learn the art of taking useful feedback and discarding comments that lead you away from your goal. Writers need editors! Just as we all need mentors, teachers, and friends who tell us their truth.